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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0293c104.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  283KB  |  624x837  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: daily | monitor | reckoner | sky
OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS: EQUITY FUNDS 74 FUND NAME Dreylus Stratogic Worldimvesting G 10.5 $16,347 0.0 $105.5 5115 Dreyfus Cenbary Gr 15.7 20,823 {2.1 463.1 None Eat Vanc Eqaltylaco Hr 1,377 20. Nore: Eator Vanco 18,85 142.8 Eato Vanoe 16,694 Enton Vanco Spocial Equitias 21. 70.0 .75 Eator Vance Stoch 18,572 iVanoe TotalRebra Trust 18.978 0.0 562 126 Eolipse Eguity 17.389 Ner 65 Capital IAppreciation 202 19.4 23,552 15.0 138 Grewth &1nco 10.0 15,452 10.0 125 Entarprise Grewth Pertfol lo 10.4 tT 15.2 19,37 8.0 130 Equitable BalancedE (1.4) 10.9 13. 19,250 NTe 125 Equitabl: GrowthB Gr 20.2 25,235 Nore2 125 EuroPacificGrowth 2,424. 5.75 L22 Evorgreen Foundation 40.3 Nor e 103 Evorgroon unT SOY 10.9 10.2 18,71 13 Nor Evargreet Limitod Markust 11. 17.1 22,038 F0.F Nare TetalRotars 17. 1,061.1 Nare E ...